
live in是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

live in

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第三人称单数:lives in  现在分词:living in  过去式:lived in  同义词反义词


v.occupy,dwell in,inhabit,reside in,lodge



na.1.to live at the place where you work or study

1.住在 ... 3. make friends with 与……交朋友 8. live in 住在... 9. be good at = do well in 擅长于…… ...

2.居住在 door 门 四会词组: live in 居住在 on the wall 在墙上 ...

3.住在某地 2 get on / along well with sb 与某人相处融洽 5 live in 住在某地 9 on a farm 在农场 ...

4.住进 live to 活到 live in 住进 live at 住在。。。。。。 ...

5.居住于 hazard n. danger 危险 inhabit v. live in 居住于 landlocked a. almost or entirely surrounded by land 被陆地围住的 ...

6.生活在 live in 生活在 live ai 评论| ...

7.住在一个比较大的地方 ... live: 长期居住在 …;短期住 live in 住在一个比较大的地方(国家、城市) live at 住在一个比较小的地方(区 …


1.If you live in New Orleans, you may live as if you are ahead of time, just taking things easy and waiting for the time to catch up with you.如果你生活在新奥尔良,你的生活方式就好象你永远领先于时间,凡事不慌不忙,总等著时间来追赶你。

2.Each people all have own idea, all is to live in their own thought in the field of their own, happiness and unhappiness is all his decision.每个人都有自己的想法,都是活在自己的思想自己的领域中的,快乐与不快乐全是自己决定的。

3.she is going to leave the house where she used to live in her childhood , look around and to every familiar goods ---farewell.要离开曾在孩提时代住过的小屋子了,她环顾四周,向每一件熟悉的物品一一告别。

4.As you know, wild pandas eat only bamboo, so to save them, we have to save the forests they live in.众所周知,野生大熊猫只吃竹子,所以,要救助它们就必须要保护它们赖以生存的森林。

5.She likes being quiet, likes to live in a place where she can feel. She told me that this made her quietly paint.她喜欢宁静,喜欢住在有感觉的地方,她和我说,这样可以使她安静的绘画。

6.None of our parties understands that we live in a time of revolutionary change. Could it be Rahul Gandhi?我们的政党都没有认识到我们处于革命性变化的时代,会是拉胡尔·甘地吗?

7.It's designed for up to six people to live in, and is powered by an environmentally-friendly combination of solar power and hydrogen tanks.它可以居住六人,由对环境友好的太阳能和氢气驱动。

8.Both fail to see that we already live in a different world, one in which political power can no longer be monopolised by a single holder.两个阵营都未能看到,我们已经生活在一个不同的世界,在这个世界中,政治权力无法再为单个持有者所独占。

9.And I live in a very beautiful part of the world so it is good for them to be able to see that.而我居住的又是世界上很美的一个地方,所以能够看到这里对他们是件好事。

10.The spring rain fell across the next 24 hours, Xixilili, as if to tell what, I have to live in the southern city of feeling.连绵的春雨下了24小时之久,淅淅沥沥,仿佛在诉说着什么,让我有了生活在南方城市的感觉。